
Why Work With Denise?

Dr. Denise delivers is an impactful, high energy, engaging storyteller who enjoys bringing women together to share their stories. Her goal is to connect audiences to create therapeutic storytelling as they learn to promote themselves, build awareness, build emotional intelligence and develop unstoppable resilience.


Here's My Story

I’m a mother, wife, sister, friend, author, educator, motivational speaker, and the founder of Knitted Together, where I teach women to share their personal stories through therapeutic storytelling.

My in-depth process allows my clients to break through their challenges, show up as their best selves and create an impact in the lives of others by sharing their experiences without sacrificing themselves or their happiness.

My Mission

To live my life by example for my daughter, my sisters and the women I encourage to become the best version of themselves and live a trauma free life.

My Vision

Teaching women to tap into their inner voice and empowering them to share their stories to breakthrough to life’s challenges and transform their pain into profit.

My Values

Growth: I am obsessed with perpetually becoming a better version of myself as a wife, mother, and business owner, and I look for the same level of dedication in people I work with. Growth isn’t always comfortable, but it always leads to something better.

Respect: Each of us is on our own timeline and you’re right where you need to be. I respect you as a person and as business owner no matter where you are on the journey, and I value my role in helping you get to the next level. 

Tough Love: I will always be honest and will always speak with love…but sometimes the truth won’t be what you want to hear. I’ll say it anyway, though, because my goal isn’t to make you feel good for a moment, it’s to help change your life forever. 




High-Impact Speaker

Denise is a native of Jamaica, West Indies who migrated to Mount Vernon, New York as a teenager.

She became a teenage mother who overcame many obstacles as she worked towards becoming an entrepreneur and is a graduate of Pace University.  

Dr. Nicholson helps women create better lives and discover their true inner voice through therapeutic storytelling.

  • Denise is an insightful, inspirational keynote speaker for workshops, seminars and leadership conferences, healthcare groups, and women’s retreats.

  • Denise is the founder of a women’s organization, called Knitted Together”, where she works with women to transform life’s difficult scenarios into a compelling, impactful, and passionate story.

  • Denise shares real-life stories about facing trauma. She teaches about turning empathy into impact and how to tap into their powerful paths for individual growth and fulfillment.


About The Book

Se-lah debuts the stories told through the eyes of young women who are related to each other by blood, kinship, or friendship. Their stories are about what it is like growing up as a girl and what it is like to live in a woman’s body in their world. A world with issues of incest, rape, child abuse, feelings of abandonment, abortion, miscarriage and mental health disorders.


Features and Spotlights

  • KLAS Radio

  • Smile Jamaica Morning Show

  • CVM Sunrise TV Morning Show

  • Sun City Radio Interview

  • Bookophilia

  • Chateau 7

  • Special guest speaker and award recipient at A Dose of Encouragement’s 5th annual Women’s empowerment seminar

  • Award recipient for Pace University Leadership in Cultural Competencies

  • Contributing author for Organization for International Development 30th year magazine

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